Success Stories

Bringing state services to Dalit hamlets

The Mushahar (Dalit) hamlet at Badhiya Banchauri VDC of Mahottari in southern Nepal was distinct from other hamlets of the disadvantaged communities because it got cut off from outside society during monsoon for nearly four months. People called it Lankako Tapu in local language or "Lanka Island" because the settlement got surrounded by water.
The changes brought through social mobilization in this poor settlement in a year's time are promising. The Participatory Learning and Action (PLA) sessions conducted by local Peace and Livelihood Facilitator (PAL) on issues like health and hygiene, education and ways to tap resources have largely empowered the community group to understand their rights and responsibilities. Most of the members in the community group are women and they are regular with the weekly learning sesions. There is increased awareness and understanding amongst the community members why their participation and representation has to be ensured in decision making events in the village.
“We went to a local school and asked  the principal to provide us the government's stipend to our children," recalls Binda Sada, chairperson of Shanti Livelihood Group, adding "if it were one person, I could have been turned down but it was the whole group!"   

Thanks to the empowerment of the vulnerable, excluded and economically deprived communities, beneficiaries have learnt to break their silence and demand their rights. Quite recently the school management committee visited the Mushahar hamlet and distributed school uniform to the students. Altogether 71 children received the “precious gift’ from the local school principal. Brimming with smile, CG member Anupa Sada said, ”Kids joining the school has increased from 6 to 71 within a year's time. Beyond doubt, the charm of education has gripped the community.
UNDP has also supported the culvert construction to minimise people's vulnerability and increase their access to society throughout the whole year. The community infrastructure worth NPr 389780 came upon the

request of the community group. The problem of being cut off from the outside society is now a thing of the past. The community members say the culvert has been a "dream come true” for them. Children staying at home during school hours due to flooding is not the case any longer. The structure has been a great connecter for the people, increaseing their access to the market centre, health post and other communities.

LoA Signed with three DDCs
Draft Report on Baseline Survey
Early Stage Documantary on LRP
Trainng for Youths
GESI Responsive Training for Stakeholders