The country’s recent political gains have been significant but the socio-economic development of the people has been slow. Security and political context are still fluid and majority of the people expect improvement in their livelihood opportunities and community peace building as peace dividends.

Hence the project’s strategy is as per the following:

Work through a group-based approach for empowerment, livelihood improvement and social cohesion.
Promote gender equality and social inclusion by strengthening the voices, representation and access to assets of women, Dalits, Tarai Janajatis and poor communities.
Apply conflict sensitive and gender responsive approaches in designing and implementing activities.
Apply an integrated approach to livelihood improvement by addressing multidimensional issues of deprivation and disempowerment of targeted communities.
LoA Signed with three DDCs
Draft Report on Baseline Survey
Early Stage Documantary on LRP
Trainng for Youths
GESI Responsive Training for Stakeholders