Success Stories

Delivering at hand is more symbolic

The village of Suga in Mahottari is three kilometers from the district headquarters which falls within the working VDC of UNDP/LRP where Sri Krishna Youth Club has been selected to carry out youth related activities. The village has people from diverse caste and creeds and each of them is learning from the other. “The selection of our youth club by the UNDP office has catapulted our aspiration to do something meaningful for the community and enhance understanding between the Hindus and Muslims, Dalits and non-Dalits in our village,” says Nagendra Paswan of the club.
Established in 2008, the club has 250 general members already and every year the number is increasing. With the assistance received from LRP project, the club recently distributed 300 fruit and fodder saplings to 300 households. It also held an interaction programme with the beneficiaries to maximize the gain from the saplings. On top of seeing the youth club organize awareness rallies, it was the first time beneficiaries were seeing the club ‘delivering something tangible’ in their hand. Most of the beneficiaries were Dalits, women and Tarai Janajatis. “We thought the club would organize only rallies. I felt so happy to receive the mango and jackfruit plants. I have planted them next to my house and children are watering them every day,” said Surti Devi Paswan of ward no. 7 in Suga VDC.
The club distributed five saplings to each of the 300 households in Suga VDC. The saplings came as a prized gift to the beneficiaries as they had always wanted to plant mango and jackfruit plants in their small yards but were not able to afford them. A brief orientation programme that preceded the distribution of saplings was helpful for the youth to tell the beneficiaries the importance of village greening programme under LRP Project. “We’ll look after the plants and help them grow. In a few years, we hope to sell mangos in Jaleswor bazaar just like some of our well-off neighbours are doing,” said Parameshwor Paswan. Given the fitting demand for saplings and their hope to grow income with the plants, the hope they are boarding is not unfounded.  
Chairman of the Club Nagendra Paswan said there will be more community trust and support in thee club activities because the beneficiaries have felt of being deeply rewarded.
The goal of LRP will come true when the beneficiaries of those five saplings learn the importance of planting more saplings and make an earning which will not only improve their livelihood but bring them peace of mind and protect the environment.

LoA Signed with three DDCs
Draft Report on Baseline Survey
Early Stage Documantary on LRP
Trainng for Youths
GESI Responsive Training for Stakeholders